Friday, October 29, 2010

A bit of Wisdom I am trying to Implement in my Life

"I am more and more convinced that our happiness or our unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life than on the nature of those events themselves." -- Karl Wilhelm von Humboldt

So let it be written, so let it be done.
Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel
Because I have been Given Much I too Must Give


Anonymous said...

I wasn't able to respond to your email so I thought I would leave you a comment here. I dished the details on my I Spy Quilt that you requested. There is a tutorial on my blog on how to make it :)

Haley Larsen said...

That's so wonderful! I love it! And you! I hope you continue updating your blog!

Karee said...

Melissa, thank you for your blog info, Feb will be an I Spy month for me and my new stash busting spree!